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Geplaatst door: Steve Mendez

Cow/ Ox Gallstones available
Cow /Ox Gallstones for sale (wholestone / brokenstone ratio is 80% / 20% )
We are full time exporter of high quality natural ox gallstone.
Our product obtained from disease free cattle.

Functions: To clear heat and release toxins.
To eliminate endogenous wind and stop convulsions. to resolve phlegm and promote resuscitation.

Contact us on our direct email: (

Geplaatst door: Theresa Mane

Dit is de website die ik over dokter Ilekhojie heb gelezen en contact met hem opgenomen om me te helpen mijn ex-vriendje terug te krijgen om met me te trouwen in de maand mei van dit jaar en ik ben hier teruggekomen om over hem te posten. Dokter Ilekhojie helpt u uw probleem op te lossen, ongeacht waar u doorheen gaat. Posten over een spell speller is heel vreemd voor mij, omdat ik nooit heb geloofd dat ik zal kunnen zeggen dat ik werd geholpen door een spell caster om mijn ex-vriendje terug te brengen naar mij na 3 jaar zonder contact. Ik las over dokter Ilekhojie van andere websites en nam contact met hem op om me te helpen en in minder dan 48 uur belde mijn ex-vriendje me en ik was blij dat hij contact met me wilde opnemen. We hebben elkaar vrijdag ontmoet en hij stelde me voor ... Het was de mooiste ring. Alstublieft, iedereen hier, neem contact op met arts Ilekhojie om uw probleem voor u op te lossen en u gelukkig te maken met uw relatie die u kwetst. Liefde is het beste gevoel ooit ervaren. E-mail hem op of rechtstreeks op Whats App hem +2348147400259

Geplaatst door: Anum Faiz

If you are seeking a Bank Guarantee (BG), SBLC for Lease or Purchase, we are the best financial institution to help you to secure verifiable and easily monetized BG, SBLC and other financial instruments. we are a group of experienced bankers, seasoned brokers with years of experience in the financial instrument industry. We deal directly with reliable Providers of BG, SBLC, MT109, MT799, MT760, Sale and Lease of Financial Instruments issued by Top rated global banks.

Our procedure is TIME SAVING and transparent. With us, you can secure any denomination of BG / SBLC from 10M to 10B (EURO / USD) in time for use in Heavy / Light project financing anywhere in the world.

Basically, we are here to help you move your business to the next level.

Anticipating your interests,

Geplaatst door: Michal

Nabízíme rychlé a seriózní osobní půjčky zde

Rychlý a výhodný finanční úvěr od 40.000 Kč až do 10.000.000 Kč se splatností kterou lze nastavit až na 240 měsíců s možností předčasného splacení kdykoliv zdarma bez navýšení. Vyřízení celého úvěru včetně vyplacení financí už do 24 hodin od podepsání úvěrové smlouvy. Rychlý a efektivní schvalovací proces s velkou průchodností schválených žádostí. Posouzení vaši žádosti a vytvoření nabídky zdarma a nezávazně na emailu: whatsapp +420723453979

Geplaatst door: Wande

Have you Lost Money On “Binary Option”, Or you think you are losing it? , Then You need a good IT personnel, Cyber Technician, Hacker to help you hack into the follow. e.g
Hacking of all company website
Hacking of university website and Grades upgrade
Hacking of all social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Hacking of all Banks website
Hacking of Word press Blogs
Hacking of Security Institution and get Criminal Records wiped out
Hacking of Government agency
Hacking of Database
Hacking of Email and Text message
Hacking of PayPal Account
Hacking Server crashed
Hacking of all phones and untraceable IP and many more.
This is the right place to be
For further inquiry,
contact @

Geplaatst door: MIKE EDWARDS


They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them.
I figured it all out when my colleague took me to Pavel

CELL PHONE +16692252253

He did perfect job, he hacks all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. he also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact him and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker.

Geplaatst door: andrea robertson

hacker tested and trusted

He is no scam,i tested him and he delivered a good job,he helped me settle bank loans,he also helped my son upgrade his scores at high school final year which made him graduate successfully and he gave my son free scholarship into the college,all i had to do was to settle the bills for the tools on the job,i used $500 to get a job of over $50000 done all thanks to,he saved me from all my troubles,sharing this is how i can show gratitude in return for all he has done for me and my family.

Geplaatst door: Amelia Wong


I contacted {H A C KK I N GZ E U S AT GM A I L DOT C OM & 407-900-6299} for my credit repair, after positive ratings for him on Quora, Trulia and creditmagic. I assured him i would refer people to him if he did as he said he would. I had late payments from student loans, they were 31 from all the different little loans per semester. I had refinanced them into one loan and needed the late payments removed. I'm happy KING ZEUS was able to erase the late payments from my credit history within a matter of days. It was such a relief.

Geplaatst door: Carla Graves

I tried buying a new house a few weeks ago but I could barely get approved for a loan due to my low FICO scores, I lost hope and got disappointment. I decided to go through online and luckily for me, I Aaron Swartz. I have no option to give him a try, He told me to fixed me my credit report within 56 to 72 hours. He succeeded in raising my score to 820 excellent plus and He also help me deleted negative items impacting my credit report. He is the best and swift. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices AT gmail DOT com

Geplaatst door: linda james

I like to share a testimony of marriage and love life. My husband and I have been married for over 15 years. We met when I was 22 and he was 27 years old. We had a lot of emotions together. There were several huge fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Suddenly, my husband pronounced a divorce on me, I was blind! I did not see him coming, I did not recognize the signs. He stopped wearing his wedding ring and I did not think about it. He does not find me sexually attractive anymore. I could not help crying all the time because I was extremely hurt. I was totally depressed until I discovered Dr. AJAYI, the caster from Africa, whom everyone was talking about online and I was contacting him for a love spell. During our conversation, he assured me that he would bring back my husband less than 48 hours after the launch of his spell. It seemed impossible to me. You will not believe that my husband called after 24 hours, begging me to forget everything he said about the divorce. I was totally surprised! There is so much love in my family since I used his spells. He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. Now, my husband loves me much more than before. You can also contact him if you have problems with your marriage or relationship. E-mail: You can also him Whatsapp him on +16318578318